Infected Root Canal Under Crown

Infected Root Canal Under Crown

An Infected Root Canal Under Crown occurs when bacteria infiltrate the space between the root canal and the dental crown, leading to inflammation and pain. This situation can arise even after a successful root canal treatment.

“Infections under crowns are a serious concern and need immediate attention to prevent further damage,” says Dr. Suhrab Singh, a renowned dentist in Noida with over 12 years of experience in endodontics.

Neo Dental Care, one of the Best dental clinic in Noida, is known for its meticulous approach and commitment to providing top-notch dental care. Specializing in root canal treatments, the clinic ensures that its methods align with the latest advancements in dental technology to offer the best possible outcomes for patients.

Concerned about infected root canal under crown? It might be time to consult with a dental expert. Book your appointment today to ensure your oral health is in top shape.

Do you feel pain under your crown? What if it’s an infection?

Infection Under Root Canal with a Crown Symptoms

Infected Root Canal Under Crown

Identifying symptoms of an infected root canal under a crown is crucial for timely treatment. Key indicators include:

Persistent Pain or Discomfort: Persistent pain around the crowned tooth, particularly when biting, may signal an infection.

Swelling or Tenderness in the Gums: Any swelling or soreness near the crown could indicate an underlying infection.

Visible Signs of Pus or an Abscess: Pus or an abscess near the tooth or gums is a clear symptom of infection.

Foul Taste or Smell: A bad taste or odor around the crown often suggests bacterial presence and infection.

Sensitivity to Temperatures: Increased sensitivity to hot or cold can be caused by nerve irritation due to infection.

General Discomfort: Feeling generally unwell or discomfort in the mouth might also be related to the infection.

Experiencing persistent pain or swelling around your dental crown? Don’t wait for the discomfort to worsen. Schedule a consultation with a dental expert today.

Wondering why this infection occurred? Let’s dive deeper.

Why Does an Infection Occur Under a Dental Crown?

Why Does an Infection Occur Under a Dental Crown?

Here are some major reasons behind the occurrence of infection under a dental crown:

Incomplete Removal of Bacteria: Even after a successful root canal, some bacteria may remain, leading to infection.

Crown Leakage: Poorly fitted crowns can allow bacteria to enter and infect the root canal.

Cracked or Damaged Crown: A crack in the crown can create an entry point for bacteria.

Decay Under the Crown: New decay at the crown’s edge can introduce bacteria to the root canal.

Gum Recession: Receding gums can expose the edges of the crown and allow bacteria to seep in.

Old or Worn Crown: Over time, crowns can degrade, increasing the risk of infection.

Immune System Factors: A weakened immune system can make it easier for infections to develop.

If you’re experiencing symptoms of an infection under a crown, it’s crucial to address it promptly. Contact a dental professional for an expert consultation and treatment.

How can this troubling infection be treated effectively?

How Do You Get Rid of Infected Root Canal Under Crown?

Treating an infected root canal under crown involves several steps, which include:

  • Thorough dental examination to assess the extent of the infection
  • X-rays or CT scans to visualize the depth and spread of the infection
  • Removal of the crown and cleaning of the infected area
  • Possible re-treatment of the root canal if the infection is extensive
  • Use of antibiotics to eliminate the infection
  • Placement of a new crown once the infection is resolved

Don’t let a dental infection compromise your health and comfort. Consult with a dental professional to get the right treatment and reclaim your oral health.

But how do dental professionals diagnose such an infection? Let’s find out.

How is an Infected Root Canal Under Crown Diagnosed?

How is an Infected Root Canal Under a Crown Diagnosed?

Diagnosis of an infected root canal under crown typically involves:

  • Detailed patient history to understand previous dental procedures and symptoms
  • Clinical examination to check for signs of infection such as swelling, pus, or tenderness
  • Dental imaging, including X-rays or CT scans, to observe the extent of the infection beneath the crown
  • Testing the tooth’s response to temperature and pressure to assess nerve damage or infection

Suspect an infection under your dental crown? A thorough diagnosis by an expert dentist is the first step towards recovery. Book your consultation today.

What preventive measures can be taken to avoid such a dental dilemma?

Preventing Infected Root Canal Under Crown

Preventing an infection under a crown involves several proactive steps:

  • Proper Oral Hygiene: Maintain regular brushing and flossing to remove plaque and bacteria.
  • Regular Dental Check-ups: Visit your dentist routinely for professional cleanings and early detection of potential issues.
  • Use Fluoride Mouthwash: Incorporate fluoride mouthwash into your daily routine to strengthen teeth and prevent decay.
  • Avoid Hard Foods: Be cautious with hard foods that can crack or damage your crown, creating an entry point for bacteria.
  • Address Gum Health: Keep gums healthy to prevent recession that can expose the crown’s edges.
  • Immediate Attention to Pain or Discomfort: Seek prompt dental care if you experience pain or discomfort around the crown.
  • Replace Worn or Damaged Crowns: Regularly check the condition of your crowns and replace them as needed to ensure a proper fit and seal.
  • Dietary Considerations: Limit sugary and acidic foods that can contribute to decay around the crown.


Recognizing the signs of an infected root canal under crown, such as persistent pain, swelling, and sensitivity, is crucial for timely treatment. Neo Dental Clinic in Noida, led by Dr. Suhrab Singh, offers expert care for such issues, emphasizing early detection and advanced treatment methods.

Preventing infections involves proper oral hygiene, regular dental check-ups, and replacing worn crowns. By consulting with professionals like Dr. Singh, who is an expert in root canal treatment in Noida, you can maintain a healthy, pain-free smile. Don’t let an infection compromise your dental health—take proactive steps today.


Can a root canal get infected under a crown?
Yes, a root canal can get infected under a crown if bacteria infiltrate the gaps between the crown and the tooth.

How long can an infected root canal go untreated?
An infected root canal can start causing significant problems within a few days to a couple of weeks. While some symptoms might develop slowly, it’s not advisable to leave it untreated for more than a week or two.

Can antibiotics cure an infected root canal?
Antibiotics alone cannot cure an infected root canal. They are used alongside other dental procedures to help clear the infection.

What happens if a root canal infection spreads?
If a root canal infection spreads, it can result in further oral health issues, including abscesses, systemic infections, and damage to surrounding bone and tissue.


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