Question And Answers

Q. How long does a root canal last without a crown?

Asked anonymously  on 14th Nov, 22

Root Canal Treatment

Team member of Neo Dental Care

it depends on the structure of tooth left after rct, so better get it done as earlier as possible so that maximum tooth structure can be saved. usually when 3 to 4 walls are intact, prognosis is better, and we can avoid crown. also in front teeth we can avoid crowns. 

so the doctor will evaluate clinically and make the right decision 

Q. Why do I need dental x ray?

Asked anonymously  on 10th Nov, 22

Team member of Neo Dental Care

A root canal will typically last a lifetime, although there are no guarantees. Without a crown, the tooth is more susceptible to breaking or decay.

Q. My daughter is 13 years old. Her teeth are not evenly placed. Can you please suggest something to solve this problem?

Asked anonymously  on 3rd Nov, 22

Team member of Neo Dental Care

Right age to opt for orthodontic treatment.

Q. My teeth have some brownish spots. It doesn't go with brush. It looks very dirty. What should I do?

Asked anonymously  on 2nd Nov, 22

Team member of Neo Dental Care

Brownish discolouration is mostly fluorosis and physically covering or laminating the tooth is the only option. veneers and crowns or laminates are your options. bleaching might help a little (clinical evaluation required)

Q. Will dental implants be painful? What post-treatment care to be taken?

Asked anonymously  on 31st Jan, 22

Team member of Neo Dental Care

 The Implant itself is not painful since it is performed with either general or local anesthesia to completely numb the mouth. After dental implantation, once the numbness wears off, mild pain may be present . Patients may expect some swelling but the antibiotics and painkillers decrease the swelling and pain after the procedure.

For post treatment care Strictly follow post-operative instructions recommended by your dentist after the procedure.

Q. How to keep dental implants clean?

Asked anonymously  on 31st Jan, 22

Team member of Neo Dental Care

Use a soft bristles toothbrush , Use an alcohol free mouthwash, water flosser.

Brush twice a day .

Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol.

Q. In what conditions should one consider getting dental implants?

Asked anonymously  on 31st Jan, 22

Team member of Neo Dental Care

 When you have missing teeth, but either cannot or you do not want to get dentures, bridges or crowns. It is important to replace a lost tooth, as the consequences of removing/losing a tooth and doing nothing can grow into a much larger problem as time goes on.

Q. What conditions make one prone to cavities and how can they avoid it?

Asked anonymously  on 31st Jan, 22

Team member of Neo Dental Care

Conditions like Poor brushing

Eating sticky,starchy, sugary food or drinks.

A lack of fluoride in your toothpaste and mouthwash.

Genetic – family history of cavities.

Bad Oral Hygiene -Irregular dental check ups.

Consuming medications that causes dry mouth.

To avoid tooth decay –

Brush with fluoride toothpaste after eating or drinking , Visit your dentist regularly,  Avoid frequent snacking and sipping , Avoid sticky foods , Rinse your mouth with fluoride containing mouthwash.

Q.What does yellow stain on teeth indicate?

Asked anonymously  on 31st Jan, 22

Team member of Neo Dental Care

With age , the white enamel surface of your teeth wears off, so the yellow surface of your teeth becomes more visible.

Q. Can you let me in on basic tips for oral hygiene?

Asked anonymously  on 31st Jan, 22

Team member of Neo Dental Care

Brush twice a day.

Use fluoride toothpaste and mouthwash.

Use dental floss and water flosser.

Limit sugary and starchy foods.

Visit your dentist regularly for dental check-ups.

Drink more water.

Avoid smoking and tobacco chewing bad habits.

Q. How is gingivitis treated? Can it be cured?

Asked anonymously  on 31st Jan, 22

Team member of Neo Dental Care

Gingivitis can be treated with professional Subgingival dental cleaning. Your initial professional cleaning will include removing all traces of plaque, tartar and bacterial products – a procedure known as scaling and root planing. Subgingival scaling removes plaques, tartar and bacteria from your tooth surfaces and beneath your gums.

It can be cured with regular dental check-ups and by maintaining good oral hygiene.