Know all about Dental Implants and their Benefits

Know all about Dental Implants and their Benefits

Do you feel embarrassed to smile because you have one or more missing teeth? A dental implant may be the perfect solution for you. Please contact Dr. Suhrab Singh, a renowned dentist in Noida, at (+91) 9818872732, 01204880044, 9755712732.

You may have often heard the quote – “Nothing you wear is more beautiful and important than your smile.” But what if a missing tooth makes you feel self-conscious about smiling? A missing tooth can make you want to limit opening your mouth when speaking, smiling, or laughing. It can lower your confidence and restrict you from being your complete self.

Despite advances in dental treatment, millions of people lose teeth, primarily due to oral diseases or accidents. Dentures were the principal method for repairing missing teeth decades ago. However, thanks to the emergence of current dental technology, we now have better options. Dental implants are becoming more popular as a replacement treatment for patients who have lost one or more teeth.

If you would like to explore the option of dental implants, do visit Dr. Suhrab Singh, founder of Neo Dental Care, one of the best dental clinics in Noida. With over 10 years of experience, Dr. Suhrab Singh is a brilliant dentist passionate about improving the quality of people’s lives.

This article discusses dental implant types and benefits.

What is a Dental Implant?

The term “dental implant” refers to a titanium rod known as a screw that is inserted inside the jawbone of the gapped tooth. Through the process of osseointegration, the titanium implants fuse with the jawbone where the screw is secured. The dentist places crowns on the implants to give them a natural look. A dental implant appears like real teeth as it stands alone without impacting surrounding teeth and is very stable.

Dental implants can significantly improve your smile, thus restoring your confidence and ability to express yourself. However, before you undertake this treatment, it is a good idea to understand the three primary types of dental implants possible so you can make sure they are right for you.

Types of Dental Implants

There are 3 types of dental implants: 

Endosteal Implants:

The most prevalent form of dental implants is fused directly to the jawbone, enabling a permanent denture or bridge replacement. This may be the best option if you have to replace only one tooth.

Subperiosteal Implants: 

Metal implants are placed underneath the gum tissue and over the jawbone. The metal frame is made of molybdenum, chromium, or cobalt and is connected after the initial stage of the surgery has healed.

Though it is not a popular surgery these days, if you cannot wear dentures or have inadequate jawbone density, you may want to investigate this approach for replacing multiple teeth in one location.

Mini-dental Implants: 

If you do not want or are not a candidate for traditional restorative procedures, mini-dental implants are a great option. The size of mini-dental implants compared to standard implants is the main distinction. A mini-dental implant measures half the size as that of a typical implant.

A dental implant procedure is a painless operation usually performed under a local anesthetic. There is a minor vibration during the implant site preparation, but it is tolerable. 

Post-surgery, most people may feel discomfort similar to the sensation after tooth extraction. It takes 2 to 4 months for an implant to fuse with the bone.

An ice pack is applied to the skin over the surgical region right after therapy to minimize swelling.

If you have any concerns or questions regarding the implant process, do not hesitate to meet with Dr. Suhrab Singh to learn more. He is an eminent dental surgeon in Noida and goes to great lengths to make the process of placing dental implants as smooth and comfortable as possible.

How will a dental implant benefit me?

Dental implants have many advantages, including:

Improvement in appearance: Dental implants have the appearance and feel of natural teeth. They are also permanent since they are engineered to merge with bone.

Speech Improvement: The teeth of ill-fitting dentures might slip in the mouth, causing your words to slur.

Improved comfort: You no longer have the discomfort of removing dentures before sleeping, as the implants become a part of you.

Comfortable eating: Chewing can be challenging with sliding dentures. Dental implants work the same way as natural teeth do, allowing you to enjoy your food.

Increased self-esteem: Dental implants can help you regain your smile and improve your self-esteem.


Dental implants do not need more care than natural teeth, and they will not decay or require root canal treatment. Gum disease or excessive stress on the implants caused by bruxism or teeth grinding behaviors are the only issues to be concerned about.

Technology and research have vastly improved the outcome of the dental implant procedure, with a success rate of over 98%. 

Do not allow your smile and self-esteem to be ruined by missing teeth. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Suhrab Singh, a highly skilled dentist in Noida, today to identify the best technique for you and to experience the best dental implant procedure.

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